Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ba, Koroipita, and Tavua Carnival

Here’s good ol’ Ba town. Try not to be too jealous. It’s such a happening place….it completely shuts down at about 6:00. I go into town to buy groceries and to take buses/mini buses other places. That’s about it.

I went to Koroipita last week with Stefka to help teach computer and business classes. Koroipita is a model community that rents houses for $1 a day to people who can’t afford to own their own homes. Hundreds of people apply to live there. Anyway, the computer classes were so interesting because a lot of them have never even touched a computer before. Teaching them how to coordinate the mouse and everything can be a challenge. They tend to freak out whenever they get any unexpected whatsoever. A typical solution in Fiji is to just turn off the computer and start over. Here’s a picture of their little computer room:

The Tavua carnival was last week (July 6-9) and it was the big fundraiser for the Gold Foundation. It started on a Thursday but I don’t think all the booths were set up until about Friday afternoon. Typical Fiji! Anyway, they had a stage and entertainment every night. Some of the HELP volunteers performed (I luckily dodged that bullet by having no performable talents!) and there were lots of dancing numbers from local schools/church groups. They even had a couple rides set up – you know, those big blow up contraptions that kids can climb around, the shiftiest version of a rocket ride I’ve ever seen (kind of like Dumbo in Disneyland…but only in terms of general concept), and a fast ferris wheel. I opted out of any of the mentioned death traps. But here are some pictures!

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